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100+ Best Hair Quotes & Sayings That Will Make You Love Your Hair [Images]

Hair Quotes: This is the most comprehensive collection of the most popular 100+ Hair quotes from the past that’s designed for all you lovers of hair on the planet, or those needing a little motivation to get through the day.

hair quotes
hair quotes

Offering a variety of topics, you’ll be able to find what you’re looking for: quotes for short or long hair, curly or straight humorous or wise.

Hair is an integral element of our lives and is certainly among the top significant physical characteristics that inform people about our character and our style.

Learn how people from all around the world think about hair and fashion by reading the entire collection below.


Let’s get started.

Top Best Hair Quotes

1. “You’re only as good as your last haircut.” — Fran Lebowitz


2. “Never underestimate the power of a good haircut.” – Anonymous


3. “A woman who cuts her hair is about to change her life.” — Coco Chanel


4. “Happiness is a new haircut.” Anonymous. Anonymous


5. “The right hairstyle can make a plain woman beautiful, and a beautiful woman unforgettable.” Sophia Loren. Sophia Loren


6. “I think that the most important thing a woman can have–next to talent, of course–is her hairdresser.” Joan Crawford Joan Crawford


7. “I do not require hairdressers. My pillow will give me each day a fresh hairstyle.” — Anonymous


8. “Hairdressers are an amazing breed. You are one-on-one with another human being and the goal being to help them look much betterand gaze at them with a twinkle in their eyes.” — Vidal Sassoon


9. “It doesn’t matter if your life is perfect as long as your hair color is.” Stacy Snapp Killian


Hair Quotes for Everyone

10. “Life is too short to have boring hair.” — Anonymous

11. “A hair-hopper is someone who pretends they’re rich–who really wasn’t brought up very wealthy, but now tries to brag that they’re rich, and they spend too much time on their hair.” — John Waters


12. “I dyed my hair blonde in that movie, so my head doesn’t match my grill.” — Joe Pesci

13. “For me hair is an accessory. It’s jewelry. Hair is an accessory.” Jill Scott – Jill Scott

14. “Anyone is able to be confident when they have a full set of locks. A confident bald man is your gem within the rubble.” Larry David Larry David

15. “My fashion philosophy is, if you’re not covered in dog hair, your life is empty.” — Elain Boosler


16. “A great hairstyle is the best accessory.” — Anonymous

17. “A good stylist is cheaper than a good therapist.” Anonymous

18. “Life is more beautiful when you meet the right hairdresser.” — Peter Coppola

19. “So you don’t want to change the color, and you don’t want to go shorter, and you don’t want extensions, but you’re ready for a whole new look…um okay.” Anonymous. Anonymous


20. “The best advice I can give to young stylists is to marry bald, so you have one less free haircut to do on your day off.” — Anonymous

21. “Life isn’t that long. It’s best to enjoy it by having really good hair.” — Anonymous

22. “For me, the working of hair is architecture with a human element.” — Vidal Sassoon

23. “People are likely to stare. It’s worth it.” Harry Winston. Harry Winston


24. “There’s the reason that forty fifty, sixty, and forty aren’t looking the way they did in the past but it’s not due to female feminism or better living by exercising. The reason is hair dye.” Nora Ephron

Hair Quotes on Your Personal Aesthetic

25. “I think I’m an individual who takes a lot of beauty risks, but I’ve come to the realization that I’m is a fake to myself. I alter my hairstyle often, from blue to blonde , to bald. I’m trying to diversify slightly more by using makeup.” Halsey is Halsey

26. “When your hair isn’t listening to you, and is an absolute mess, and you’re like, “I I grew you myself. I gave you my life, and this is how you pay you?'” – Anonymous

27. “Those don’t look like gray hairs. They’re just strands of glitter that are that are growing on my head.” — Anonymous


28. “If my hair of 22 inches hits you when I flip it, then you’re two inches closer than me. Back up.” – Anonymous

29. “My hairstyle is definitely schizophrenic. It changes between days quite a bit. It’s contingent on my mood. Occasionally I’ll be in an adorable, girly stage and put on a lovely satin dress, with a bow tied on my head. At other times I’ll be moody, and wear black.” Amber Le Bon Amber Le Bon

30. “I believe that every woman needs to be able to love herself regardless of what. If you’re feeling down and you don’t love your hair, or if you do not have the most ideal family situation, etc you’re going through, you need to be yourself. You can’t accomplish anything until you’ve first loved yourself.” Julianne Hough. Julianne Hough

31. “People who worry about their hair all the time, frankly, are boring.” Barbara Bush. Barbara Bush.


32. “Everybody has a bad hair day, but us girls still like to be told we look nice even if we don’t feel like we do.” Cat Deeley. Cat Deeley.

33. “I have hair that is short. It doesn’t mean I’m less attractive than women and one of my sisters who have hair longer and are lighter.” Alex Wek. Alex Wek

34. “The short hair suits my personality better. Perhaps having long hair it was part of a character–I played dress-up for a while.” Natalie Maines

35. “A little gray hair is a small price to pay for this much wisdom.” — Anonymous


36. “Hair can bring one’s self-image into the spotlight; it’s the perfect test for vanity. Hair is deeply personal, and a web of enigmatic beliefs.” Shaana Alexander

37. “I’ve had long hair, I’ve had short hair, and I’ve had in-between hair–and it’s all good.” — Morena Baccarin

38. “If I weren’t female, I’d have been definitely a drag queen. I’m a fan of all that glamour and I’d be dressed with high heels and wearing the hair with the biggest volume. I’d look as Ru Paul.” Dolly Parton – Dolly Parton

39. “I I wish my hair were thicker, and my feet were more beautiful. My toes look really ugly. I would like my ears to be smaller. My nose could be smaller as well.” — Britney Spears


Funny Hair Quotes

40. “If I want to knock a story off the front page, I just change my hairstyle.” — Hillary Rodham Clinton

41. “When God takes a shower, waterfalls come to life all over the world. If I bath, the hair often blocks up the drainage.” Anthony T. Hincks Anthony T. Hincks

42. “Your hair is 90% of your selfie.” – – Anonymous

43. “Gray hair is the best thing to have. Ask any man who is bald.” — Anonymous


44. “Some girls have messy ponytail and appear like princesses. I wear messy ponytails and appear like an early father.” — Anonymous

45. “I got my hair highlighted because I felt that some strands were more important than others.” Mitch Hedburg – Mitch Hedburg

46. “Gray hair is God’s graffiti.” — Bill Cosby

47. “Men don’t get smarter as they grow older; they just lose their hair.” — Mary Astor


48. “And then the humidity said, ‘Today, I will make you look like the lion king.'” — Anonymous

49. “Beauty comes from the inside–inside the hair salon.” — Anonymous

50. “Nobody is truly satisfied with the hair on their heads. Straight hair people want curly hair, those with curly hair are looking for straight and those who are bald wish everyone was blind.” Rit Rudner. Rit Rudner

51. “If your hair is wild, then you might as well accept it before it bites your finger.” — Anonymous


52. “This morning, I woke up with the ‘I’m not in the mood’ hairstyle.” – Anonymous

53. “Today, I feel like I should buy myself new hair and be done with it.” — Anonymous

54. “Red hair, sir, in my opinion, is dangerous.” — P.G. Wodehouse

Hilarious Hair Quotes

55. “Some girls wear their messy hair like queens, I let my hair messy and look like Cruella de Vil.” — Anonymous


56. “I’d always assumed hair was an integral part of any hairstyle.” Michael McClung Michael McClung

57. “Girls with curly hair don’t understand girls with straight hair problems.” — Anonymous

58. “Having straight hair means getting out of bed ready for the day without having to do anything to my hair.” – Anonymous

59. “Straight hair problems–your forehead looks huge because your hair is flat.” — Anonymous


60. “All things old are new. When I was a kid the athletes had cut-offs and hippies had hair that was long. The athletes now have long hair, and hippies are bald.” Harley King Harley King

61. “I feel like if I loosen my hair, someone would try to talk to me in cavemen jive.” Anonymous. Anonymous

62. “Today’s hairstyle is called, ‘and I didn’t brush my teeth either.'” — Anonymous

63. “A new hairstyle is like a new relationship–it makes you giddy, confident, and excited.” – Anonymous


64. “If someone tells you that your hair isn’t long enough remove them. There’s no need for that type of negative influence in your life.” — Anonymous

65. “Gray hair? You’re fine! Free hair highlights!” – Anonymous

66. “Some of the worst mistakes in my life were haircuts.” Jim Morrison. Jim Morrison

67. “If my hair becomes frizzier, I’ll trim it off to the scalp. Also, I’ll ignite it with a lighter. Whatever is more convenient.” Victoria Scott – Victoria Scott


68. “Good hair brings good luck!” – Chinonye J. Chidolue

69. “I have always thought that if women’s hair posed so many problems, God would certainly have made us bald.” Marjane Satrapi

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