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80+ Karma Quotes about Cheating To Helps us Move on

Karma Quotes about Cheating: Discover the power of Karma and its impact on cheating with this insightful Karma about cheating quotes.

Karma, the universal law of cause and effect, governs every action we take, whether positive or negative.

Cheating is an act that goes against the principles of Karma, as it harms others and ultimately harms ourselves.

These quotes highlight the consequences of cheating and the importance of understanding the power of Karma in our lives.

From “Cheating is a choice, not a mistake” to “What goes around comes around,” these quotes offer valuable insights into the impact of cheating on our Karma.

Read on to gain a deeper understanding of the importance of living with integrity and the consequences of cheating.

Karma Cheating Quotes
Karma Cheating Quotes


Top 20 Karma about cheating quotes

Karma is the concept that every action has consequences, and cheating is no exception. When we cheat, we may think we are getting away with something, but in reality, the universe has a way of balancing things. Here are 20 unique cheating quotes that reflect the concept of Karma.


1. “Karma has no deadline and no statute of limitations.” – Wayne Dyer.


2. “Cheating may give you temporary satisfaction, but it will never bring you lasting happiness.” – Unknown.


3. “Cheating is a shortcut, and shortcuts always come with a price.” – Unknown.


4. “The universe has a way of bringing balance, and cheating disrupts that balance.” – Unknown.

karma cheating quotes image


5. “Cheating is like trying to cheat the universe, and the universe always wins.” – Unknown.


6. “Cheating is a betrayal not only of others but also of yourself.” – David Bowie.


7. “What goes around comes around, and cheating is no exception.” – Unknown.


8. “Karma never forgets, and neither do the people you cheat.” – Unknown.


9. “Cheating is a thief of trust, and trust is the foundation of all relationships.” – Unknown.


10. “Cheating may give you an advantage in the short term, but it will never lead to true success.” – Unknown.


11. “The only thing worse than getting caught cheating is not getting caught and living with the guilt.” – Unknown.


12. “Cheating is a reflection of your character, and karma will reflect that to you.” – Unknown.


13. “The path of cheating is a lonely one, and the price of karma is high.” – Unknown.


14. “Cheating may seem like a way to get ahead, but it will always hold you back in the end.” – Unknown.


15. “Karma has a way of teaching us the lessons we need to learn, and cheating is one of those lessons.” – Unknown.


16. “Cheating is a choice, and karma is the consequence.” – Unknown.


17. “Karma is a boomerang, and cheating is the throw.” – Unknown.


18. “Cheating is a way to avoid the hard work, but it will never lead to true success.” – Unknown.


19. “Karma has a way of levelling the playing field, and cheating is no exception.” – Unknown.


20. “Cheating is a temporary fix for a long-term problem, and karma is the ultimate solution.” – Unknown.


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Powerful Karma Quotes About Cheaters

Karma is a powerful force that can never be escaped, especially for those who cheat. Whether in relationships or other areas of life, cheating may provide temporary gains, but the universe always has a way of restoring balance. Here are some powerful karma quotes about cheaters that reflect the consequences of their actions.


1. “Cheating may give you temporary pleasure but never brings you lasting happiness. Karma has a way of catching up with you.” – Unknown.

illustration of three people representing karma cheating quote

2. “Karma never forgets and always comes back to collect what is due. Cheaters will always pay the price for their actions.” – Unknown.


3. “The universe has a way of restoring balance, and cheating disturbs that balance. Karma will correct it in due time.” – Unknown.


4. “Cheating is a betrayal not only of others but also of yourself. Karma will hold you accountable for both.” – Unknown.


5. “Cheaters may think they’re getting away with something, but they forget that karma is always watching.” – Unknown.


6. “Karma is a mirror that reflects the true nature of our actions. Cheating will only show the world your lack of integrity.” – Unknown.


7. “Cheating is a sign of weakness, and karma will never let weakness go unpunished.” – Unknown.


8. “The consequences of cheating are not only limited to this life but can carry on to the next. Karma is eternal, and so are its consequences.” – Unknown.


9. “Cheating may provide instant gratification, but it will never provide long-term satisfaction. Karma ensures that the truth always comes out.” – Unknown.


10. “Karma can bring justice to those wronged by cheaters. The universe always has a way of balancing things out.” – Unknown.


11. “Cheating may seem like an easy way out, but it’s a shortcut to destruction. Karma will never let cheaters get away with it.” – Unknown.

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Deep Karma is cheating quotes for her.

Cheating is a betrayal of trust that can deeply hurt a woman. Here are some deep karma cheating quotes for her that reflect on the consequences of cheating.


1.  “Karma has a way of bringing justice to those who cheat. You may think you got away with it, but the universe always knows.”


2. “Cheating is a choice that can have serious and long-lasting consequences. Karma will ensure that those consequences come back to you.”


3. “When you cheat, you break the trust essential to any relationship. Karma will make sure that trust is hard to earn back.”


4. “Karma has a way of exposing the truth about those who cheat. Your actions will be revealed, and you must face the consequences.”


5. “Cheating is a cowardly act that shows a lack of respect and integrity. Karma will ensure that those qualities are reflected in you.”


6. “The universe is always watching, and Karma never forgets. Cheating may bring temporary pleasure, but the consequences are permanent.”


7. “When you cheat, you not only hurt the person you’re with, but you also hurt yourself. Karma will make sure you feel that pain.”


8. “Cheating is a sign of weakness, and Karma will ensure that weakness is reflected in you. Only strength and integrity can bring true happiness.”


9. “When you cheat, you create negative energy that will return to you. Karma will balance that energy and bring positive energy to those who deserve it.”


10. “Karma has a way of teaching us the lessons we need to learn. Cheating may bring temporary pleasure, but the lesson learned is permanent.”


Betrayal Karma Quotes For Cheaters

A betrayal is a severe form of cheating, and Karma has a way of dealing with those who betray the trust of others. Here are some betrayal karma quotes for cheaters that reflect on the consequences of their actions.


1. “Betrayal is a deep wound that can take years to heal. Karma will ensure that those wounds are reflected in you.”


2. “When you betray the trust of others, you create negative energy that will come back to you. Karma will balance that energy and bring positive energy to those who deserve it.”


3. “Betrayal is a choice that can have serious and long-lasting consequences. Karma will ensure that those consequences come back to you.”


4. “Karma has a way of exposing the truth about those who betray others. Your actions will be revealed, and you must face the consequences.”


5. “Betrayal is a cowardly act that shows a lack of respect and integrity. Karma will ensure that those qualities are reflected in you.”


6. “The universe is always watching, and Karma never forgets. Betrayal may bring temporary pleasure, but the consequences are permanent.”


7. “When you betray the trust of others, you not only hurt them, but you also hurt yourself. Karma will make sure you feel that pain.”


8. “Betrayal is a sign of weakness, and Karma will ensure that weakness is reflected in you. Only strength and integrity can bring true happiness.”


9. “When you betray the trust of others, you create negative Karma that will follow you for a long time. Honouring the trust in any relationship is essential, as Karma will always ensure that those who betray that trust will face the consequences.”


10. “Karma has a way of teaching us the lessons we need to learn. Betrayal may bring temporary pleasure, but the lesson learned is permanent.”


karma cheating quotes for him

Cheating is a breach of trust that can deeply hurt a man. Here is some karma cheating quotes for him that reflect on the consequences of cheating.


1. “Karma has a way of bringing justice to those who cheat. You may think you got away with it, but the universe always knows.”


2. “Cheating is a choice that can have serious and long-lasting consequences. Karma will ensure that those consequences come back to you.”


3. “When you cheat, you break the trust essential to any relationship. Karma will make sure that trust is hard to earn back.”


4. “Karma has a way of exposing the truth about those who cheat. Your actions will be revealed, and you must face the consequences.”


5. “Cheating is a cowardly act that shows a lack of respect and integrity. Karma will ensure that those qualities are reflected in you.”


6. “The universe is always watching, and Karma never forgets. Cheating may bring temporary pleasure, but the consequences are permanent.”


7. “When you cheat, you not only hurt the person you’re with, but you also hurt yourself. Karma will make sure you feel that pain.”


8. “Cheating is a sign of weakness, and Karma will ensure that weakness is reflected in you. Only strength and integrity can bring true happiness.”


9. “When you cheat, you create negative energy that will return to you. Karma will balance that energy and bring positive energy to those who deserve it.”


10. “Karma has a way of teaching us the lessons we need to learn. Cheating may bring temporary pleasure, but the lesson learned is permanent.”.


20 Karma quotes about cheating


1. “Cheating is a temporary escape, but karma is always watching and waiting.”


2. “The web of lies spun through cheating will eventually ensnare the cheater.”


3. “When you cheat, you trade temporary pleasure for long-lasting consequences.”


4. “Karma keeps a meticulous balance sheet, ensuring cheaters pay their dues.”


5. “Cheating fractures trust, and trust is the lifeblood of any relationship.”


6. “The pain caused by cheating echoes far beyond the initial betrayal.”


7. “Karma’s justice may be slow, but it is always relentless.”


8. “Cheating reveals a person’s true character, and karma takes note.”


9. “In the realm of karma, cheating is an investment in future suffering.”


10. “The allure of cheating masks the toll it takes on your own soul.”


11. “Karma’s wrath is a formidable force, never to be underestimated by cheaters.”


12. “Cheating may grant you temporary gains, but it robs you of true happiness.”


13. “The consequences of cheating are the interest paid on a debt you can’t escape.”


14. “Karma turns the tables, transforming cheaters into victims of their own actions.”


15. “The seeds of betrayal sown through cheating yield a bitter harvest.”


16. “Cheating taints your integrity, leaving a stain that’s hard to erase.”


17. “Karma knows no mercy when it comes to those who cheat with no remorse.”


18. “Cheating is a reflection of your inner turmoil, and karma magnifies it.”


19. “The karmic weight of cheating crushes the spirit, even as it gains temporary advantage.”


20. “When you cheat, you’re not just playing with fire; you’re inviting karma to burn.”


In conclusion, cheating may seem like a way to get ahead, but in reality, it only leads to negative consequences. Karma has a way of balancing things out, and cheating is no exception. These 80+ unique cheating quotes show the importance of staying true to ourselves and others, and the ultimate consequences of cheating.

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